It's rumored that Goggle may announce a new Linux-based phone operating system after Labor Day. As a web 2.0 user and enthusiast I say "wonderful" on several accounts. First, any opportunity for someone to enter the scene and put Windows Mobile Smartphone (what runs on my Motorola Q) to a quick death would get my vote. Even a swift kick might be helpful.
I've had Windows Mobile on two phone platforms and nothing could be more painful to endure; the phone reboots itself several times a week, hot keys suddenly go on a Microsoft veteran sabbatical, and I still haven't figured out how to do a simple 3-way call. I live for the day Verizon carries a viable alternative, like the current Blackberry Pearl. Could a Googlephone be in Verizon's future? That would be a blessing.
What's even more exciting about a possible Googlephone is having an open mobile platform in which applications can truly be integrated and interoperate with network web 2.0 apps. Maybe then I could do a 3-way call too. I know, I know - all the iPhone-ers will say get an iPhone but compromising on call quality with Cingular/ATT's network, and paying the $200 drop charge plus $600 for the phone doesn't exactly fit into the empty-nester / 2 kids in college gadget budget.
Go Googlephone. I'm excited to see what they have.
Mitchell- it must be something with your phone. I do 3 way calls on my windows mobile all the time. Next time we are together I will give you a quick lesson. Also the new ATT 3g network is pretty good. Now, bluetooth is another issue!
Posted by: alan shimel | August 29, 2007 at 10:54 AM
Windows Mobile or Windows Mobile Smartphone? Your phone is supposed to be simple to use. I refuse to get out the manual to figure out what should be a simple, straight forward task on your phone.
If it takes a strategy guy to figure out how to do this then we know it's too complicated, lol. :)
Posted by: Mitchell Ashley | August 29, 2007 at 11:23 AM